Understand us - SWAT 4 game Live Operations

ARU SWAT 4 Game - Live Operations


Live operations is a system we use to test our skill. At anytime we are playing SWAT 4 the team can be "called out" to a live mission. All other games are regarded as training until a live ops coordinator calls a live operation.

Live operations are a one time through event for the team where by you plan, brief, execute and debrief a complete operational mission from start to finish without pause or re-run, the results of the one time run are recorded for prosperity.

The results are then published as a real world incident on our website under the blog tags "live operations" including maps, press release from our virtual town's (Scumsville)  newspaper "the daily bollox" which details Officer's statements, actions, and details such as rounds fired, complaints enquiries, even murder enquires!

The repercussions of the "live" operation reverberate along your virtual career as your status is updated on the duty roster as to your fitness to conduct live operations, injury status or even having your firearms licence revoked.

Role play

Outside of the actual game is of course role play designed to encourage training, add realism and worth to missions (again repercussions to your reputation) and giving value to the training and effort and adding intensity, immersion and fun.

Role play characters that turn-up in our blog stories

The Daily Bollox - The local news paper that's all to ready to make a big story out of Police errors and discredit an ARU Officer

Scumsville - The Metropolitan area of operations we virtually Police

The Chief Constable - A hierarchical figure, the Police organisation Boss and likely to pander to political pressure (The Daily Bollox media).

Misc - Many characters will make regular or one off appearances (Teresa the nurse may come back, shes cute)


Of course place names will have an uncanny resemblance to SWAT 4 map names, on occasions names will change to add depth to the role play environment. You should take accuracies with a pinch of salt as we really are living a lie (its not really real) and we do have a day job. Where accuracy lets us down replace with imagination.

The goal is to add a value to the game, i.e. give you a reason not to die, get injured, shoot someone without reason. Beneficial by-products of this role playing include deep immersion into a virtual environment, added excitement and maybe even bring emotions such as pride, guilt and fear into an otherwise sterile situation.

Lastly, have fun with this. If your a creative writer and can follow the style give me us a shout we can always do with spreading the load. 

Remember All virtual reports, newspaper releases and misc are searchable in the tag cloud to the right of blog posts, enjoy.